Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Good Music or Bad Music?

What do you think is good music? Do we all have the same thoughts on music? We all have different opinions on what is actually GOOD music and what is BAD music. There is no such thing as either as entertainment is all a personal choice and opinion. If I think that Joey Bada$$ is the best artist out there, there are definitely thousands and millions of other people that would definitely disagree with me. I don't say any type of music is bad because I know it might offend other people but I do like different types of genres better than others.


  1. I agree with your opinion because we all have different taste in music and nobody would ever agree on who is the best musician that ever lived because they might not like the genre of that artist.

  2. I agree, There is no such thing as bad or good music. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the music they hear. A song that may sound good to me, might be horrible to someone else. Everyone listens to different genres of music.

  3. I agree with your opinion,this falls back to the "they are wrong BC they are not me "theory ...Everyone's baggage(life experiences)are not the same as those who aren't in my shoes.This defines our identity the choice to be or not to be.
