Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jump From Space

The thought of jumping from space and free-falling 24 miles above the Earth is just mind-boggling to me. For those of you who don't know last month, October 2012, a man named Felix Baumgartner was the first person to ever break the sound barrier by free-falling. I mean that's crazy if you really think about it. He got up to about 730 MPH while free-falling. I don't know how he does it. I hate roller coaster and that feeling last for like 5 seconds tops but I to free-fall for 4 minutes and 19 seconds is insane. I give this man all the props in the world for ever doing something as crazy as this. He should be on jackass for doing something like this. Congratulations Felix on doing one of the most absurd things that I have ever witnessed live in my life, and of course for the great accomplishment for what you have done.

Who Are You...

Who are you? How would you identify yourself? Black? White? Jewish? Straight? Truth is, these simple questions don't truly make up your identity and it is indeed more complex than just being a straight, male, African-American. Your identity is made up of many different things; including personal choices, culture, social influences, and even what your born with.

Your identity is made up of far more qualities than most people think. But the question is how would you identify yourself? Yes, we all have our social labels that other people may identify us when they see us but that's not the true definition of it. We are all our own individual person that are different from each other in a million ways.